Entries by Nancy Brady


Today is my birthday. The passage of time is a curious thing. It feels as if I continually grow closer to new beginnings where life swims in my body with […]


In Silence

Something is here in nothing. A silky darkness. A wild emptiness. A river of shapes and sound. A face with its never-before, never-after turn of lips. Just so and never […]


Life In The Making

The essential stream of life that animates wind and breathes in stone, equally moves in our heart freely like breath in lungs. The soul of the world is both deeply […]


New Life

This morning she was a wormy thing on the butterfly bush near my patio. Now she swims in the air around my head. Is she learning the lessons of wings […]


Summer Message

Sometimes life includes a radical departure from the norm. We may be moved to do or be or let go in unexpected ways. Sometimes there’s a tug from our heart […]


A Nameless Beauty

When I was 3, my parents were my center. When I was 25, my own family was my center. Life wore on, wearing me like springtime and winter. When I […]


Spring 2017 Update

It’s a fast world. Viewpoints and boundaries are thinning. Veils of unconsciousness are lifting. Horizons are merging. Global ideas are colliding and polarizing. Life is a curious thing as winter […]