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Colors of Freedom ~ A Workshop
Jun 3 @ 11:00 am – 3:30 pm

Colors of Freedom workshop begins with an exploration of our awakened nature and an allowance of its presence. The exploration continues with a unique template of evolved chakra vibrations and their colors for use in a practice of relaxing beyond resistance into deeper connection with life’s natural movement.

Most systems work from a premise of being a limited self who wants to become better. We’ll start with a recognition that in the deepest part of our being we are already awake. This cuts through many habit structures and false assumptions about identity.

The historical reference of chakras provides an understanding of our collective human and spiritual journeys through time. Life is different than it was and our chakras reflect this evolution. This Colors of Freedom workshop invites going beyond where your learning has taken you. It points beyond the habitual lens of historical concepts and diminished vibrations to reveal the mature evolution that wants to occur naturally in your body, mind, heart and life…and in the whole of life.

Thoughts, emotions and body sensations are not the enemy. In our time together, we’ll explore how, in life’s wisdom, they are already completely allowed to co-exist and how their denser immature vibrations will raise to subtle mature energies that support realization.

Colors of Freedom workshop opens a door and points a way. The template you receive will support you. It isn’t a magic bullet. It points to the magic that you already are, and that all life is, and inspires a way to say yes.

The fee for this workshop is $70. Advance registration is required.

To register, click here.

If you have questions or wish to send a check, contact Nancy here.

A sliding scale is available if you are experiencing financial need.